Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Where To Look For Cheap Auto Insurance

By Joseph Welusz

Finding cheap auto insurance can help you save hundreds of dollars each year. Many individuals tend to stay with the auto insurance company that they already use but it is possible to find better rates. There are four steps you can take to get cheap auto insurance and they include shopping around, checking for discounts, reducing coverage on older vehicles and selecting a higher insurance deductible.

You will need to get auto insurance quotes from many different insurance companies to determine which company is offering the best deal. Make sure you read through all of the terms and conditions and find information on how to proceed when making a claim.

Understanding the terms and conditions is as important as a great starting rate, which may quickly rise after a brief introductory period. It is also a smart move to understand how to process a claim if you should need to. Some things to look for are how long it takes for a claim to be processed, when you can expect payment from claims and how to make a claim or if there is a time period involved with claims.

If you don't want to change auto insurers then you can look for discounts. Many auto insurance companies will offer discounts for low mileage drivers or cars that have extra anti-theft protection and safety features. You may be able to decrease your insurance by installing an alarm. Good drivers will also automatically get lower insurance because they have a good driving history. If you do have some strike against your driving record you can decrease them by taking a defensive driving course.

The amount of your deductible will affect the cost of your auto insurance. Most auto owners chose a low deductible so that when they make a claim they will have to pay very little from their own pocket. If you have a higher deductible and higher collision then you can significantly decrease the premium you are saving each year, it is possible to save up to $1,000 each year.

If you have an older car then you can drop the comprehensive or collision coverage on your policy to decrease your auto insurance. Before doing this you need to determine the value of your car and how the cost of collision and comprehensive coverage compares to the car value. If your car has a value of $2,000 and your deductible is $2,000 then having coverage will not actually help anything. If you are having difficulties finding cheap auto insurance then you should check online. There you should be able to find auto insurance that matches your budget and coverage.

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