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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Is the Importance Of The Liability Coverage Of Your Car Insurance

By Susan Reynolds

You need to seriously consider the kind of car insurance policy that you are going to have. One has to determine the liability coverage that will provide enough protection from any possible scenarios based on your personal circumstances. One must decide the liability limit by managing the risk on your assets when driving your own car or even a car rental.

When you are shopping for the right car insurance policy, it is important that you consider both the cost of the insurance policy and liability coverage that it offers. The limit of coverage is as important as buying a car. It is the main basis in determining the degree protection that the policy provides to your assets if you found responsible for property damages or bodily injuries while driving a car. Thus, your decision on the type of car insurance policy should focus not only on the amount of premium but also on coverage and limit of protection that is most appropriate for your needs and situation.

Existing laws require you to provide for the minimum liability cover. However, this protection cover may not be sufficient in providing you with the safety nets once your face liability for damages to properties and bodily harm by third parties. One good way in assessing the coverage that you will require is by checking out the type of vehicles that you normally encounter while on the road. If in your assessment the liability limit is not sufficient enough to cover the cost of these vehicles, then it would be wise to consider adjusting the liability limit of your insurance policy.

While you are considering the car insurance policy that is most appropriate for you, it is essential that you factor in your decision making process the liability coverage for car rentals if you are expecting an extensive use of rented cars. You have to discuss with the insurance company or insurance agent the cost involved for this kind of additional liability coverage. Nonetheless, you should confirm with your insurance agent if the insurance proposal include this type of liability coverage.

When you are considering the liability coverage of your car insurance company, you also have to consider if you are going to allow other individuals to drive your car. In this particular case you need to have in your policy the liability coverage for other drivers. You should remember that the insurance company will provide you with liability coverage when your car is driven by an uninsured person or an unlicensed driver. It is incumbent upon you to understand the fine prints of your policy and clarify issues with your insurance agent and the insurance company.

You should also discuss with your insurance agent or the insurance company if you are planning to use the car for business purposes. Your decision to use your car beyond the usual personal needs would have an effect on the liability coverage that you need to have and the amount of premium that you are going to pay for your insurance policy. You have to clarify this concern with your car insurance agent as there are some insurance companies that do offer policies that provide for liability coverage for cars used for business-related activities.

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