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Monday, June 8, 2009

Business Auto Insurance - Buy Auto Insurance Online

By Matt Hellstrom

Everywhere we turn, we see evidence of rough times.The recession continues to result in higher unemployment rates. The highest recipients of bail-out money from the federal government are insurance companies and banks. Everyone who wants to stay in business are looking at ways to cut costs. In times like this, business auto insurance becomes a vital area for grinding out the best deal possible.

How many companies have built up a good relationship with a car company over the years? And many of those businesses will now have to reconsider buying, for example, General Motors products with the company possibly headed for bankruptcy as early as June 1st.

The Internet, with its ability to deliver instant quotes on business auto insurance, will do nothing but make it harder for things to stay the same. As much as some would like things to remain the same - they have changed and will never be the same.

The bitter taste left behind by the downfall of the insurance giant, AIG has done little to calm the fears of business owners faced with fewer options for business auto insurance. There is little doubt that premiums will rise, perhaps more drastically than ever before. Could the company afford to get coverage if it added some to the fleet? Or will it be left hanging with increased exposure to risk?

An online quote for business auto insurance isn't just a way of getting a competitive advantage for companies with fleets of vehicles. Anyone who takes a tax deduction for vehicle expenses needs to look harder when vehicle insurance renewal time comes. And the Internet is the only way to do the kind of due diligence that these hard financial times require.

As the restructuring of the Big Three moves forward - particularly for General Motors and Chrysler, less so for Ford - the product loyalty factor will become less important, meaning many new car and truck buyers will be looking at models they never considered before. For the business decision maker, particularly in the SOHO market, the loss of confidence in the business auto and subsequent insurance market will be disruptive of previous business practice. It is in assisting the business vehicle buyer with business vehicle insurance data that shopping online will prove the value. Due diligence in the business vehicle insurance decision making process is best done online.

Word from General Motors is that the company may go into Chapter 11 as of June 1st. Does this mean that you, as a small business owner, are going to have to reconsider your decades long attachment to General Motors automobiles and trucks? Will more expensive hybrid or fuel-saving features factor into the cost of insurance? Whichever decision you come to may boil down to ongoing insurance costs. The Internet is the only way to get the wide range of business auto insurance quotes that you are going to need as you do your due diligence.

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