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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When Is The Time To Get Commercial Car Insurance for Your Business?

By Susan Reynolds

There are essential issues that we have to resolve when we are deciding on the appropriate car insurance that we have to get to protect our business interests. Your decision will be influenced by the ability of your business to cope with fortuitous events that result not only to damages to your company vehicles but also with adverse claims for damages on the properties and bodily injuries suffered by a third party.

With the all the potential harm that such unforeseen events have on the interest of the company, it is just incumbent upon us to seriously consider our decision on the type of commercial car insurance that we get to protect company. There are a lot of things that come into play when we are deciding on the type of commercial car insurance policy for our business.

You have to take a position with regard to the extent of coverage for specific liabilities and the amount of payout that the policy must have in order to provide adequate protection of the company?s interests. You also have to determine the premium cap that you will have to adopt in the selection of your company?s commercial car insurance policy.

The decision is motivated by the degree of protection that the company would like to have in order to safeguard its assets and other company investments. You will have to decide on a lot of things when you going to take out a commercial car policy. These include the liability coverage, the premium payment cap and the payout range that will be required by your company.

On the other hand, car insurance policy for home-based businesses and other small scale businesses is not as straightforward as most of us are wont to believe. What complicates the matter is the practice of most business owners of relying on personal car insurance policies even for cars that are extensively used for business activities. This practice normally exposes the business to unwarranted risks and you stand to lose more when unfortunate accidents happen where your car is involved.

You have to consult your car insurance agent when it comes to the appropriate commercial car insurance policy for your business. This complicated process will require your action on the various aspects of the protection coverage that will be required by your business. The extent of coverage is influenced by the degree of protection that your company will require. Nonetheless, your policy is required by law to include coverage for liability to third party claims for damages to property and bodily harm.

You must also clarify with your insurance agents the implications of existing company policies on the type of commercial car insurance that is required by your business. Issues pertaining to caps on premium payments and insurance cost allocation will have to be re-evaluated while considering the recommendations of your insurance agent.

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