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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What To Do If Your Car Breaks Down

By Amy Nutt

When your car breaks down, it is never a fun experience. It has happened to just about everyone at one time or another. No one wants to be in that situation but there are steps you can take to help you get through it, particularly if you are not a member of an auto club. If you have a membership to an auto club then you simply need to call them for roadside assistance. It is said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Therefore, especially if you have to handle a breakdown yourself, it is best to be prepared. Have everything in your car that you may need if you get stranded somewhere. If possible, the first thing you should do is pull safely over to the side of the road.

- Cell phone: You are never going to appreciate having a cell phone more than you will if your car breaks down. If you have a cell phone you can call a service station and at least get a tow, if possible. If that is not possible, you can at least call someone to pick you up.

- Flashlight: The possibility always exists that your car can break down while you are driving at night. If it does, you will want to have a flashlight handy. - Reflective warning triangles: These will help protect you and your vehicle in case of a breakdown. Once you are over to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights to alert traffic that may be headed your way.

Once you do this, follow these tips

- Enter and exit your car using the door that is furthest away from traffic.

- Place at least 2 reflective triangles behind your car and one in front of your car. Place the farthest one approximately 50 feet behind your car.

- If possible, move away from the car to make your phone calls and also have your passengers move away from the car.

- Call a tow truck, a ride, or the police. It is only natural to worry about your car but the first priority is your safety and your passengers safety.

Most importantly, dont panic. If you are not in a familiar area or you are travelling and do not know who to call, contact the police. These are very stressful situations and there is no need to try to handle them alone under these conditions. Keep the priorities straight. Ensure the safety of yourself and your passengers first and then the protection of your car. The car can be replaced, a human life cannot.

If you have ever had a car break down, you are well aware of the benefits of having an auto club membership. More than anything else (and there is a lot) they provide you with peace of mind. Breakdowns happen, just make sure you know how to stay safe when they happen.

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