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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Car Insurance - The History Behind The Protection

By Marcus Worthon

Vehicle insurance, and more particularly car insurance, is one of the most widely purchased types of insurance policies around the world today. How, did this whole concept of car insurance came into being? What is the history behind it? In this write up, we examine, what all were the ideas that played the foundation on which the whole concept of vehicular insurance is based.

According to the history books, the very first documented proof of car insurance (in fact,vehicular insurance) can be found in ancient China. During the times when the west had started establishing trade colonies all along the Chinese border, instances of cargo ships being hijacked or lost were reported to be on a rise.

Most of the cargo that was shipped in these cargo ships belonged to wealthy traders of England and it is the clan of these traders only who rolled out insurance policies to safeguard their ships against potential maritime dangers.

During the time when various car insurance policies were being drafted, policy makers from all over the world felt that driving a car was not a luxury, since the car owner not only put himself at risk when driving on roads (which are public properties by law), but also third parties who are using the roads for their own reasons. Thus, the policy makers from all over the world started pushing forward laws to make car insurance mandatory for car owners.

With the number of vehicles and the number of road accidents growing exponentially in numbers and complexity, car insurance policies are being renewed at a very rapid pace. New tailor made policies have surfaced in the recent past and offer a wide array of benefits to the car owners. Such policies are not a luxury, rather, a necessity, given the fact that in the long run, they can save you hundreds, even thousands of Dollars in case of a mishap.

Dr. Truman J martin, is said to be the father of car insurance policies in the US. His policy, written in 1898, was the first policy offering liability cover in the United States. This was, however, not the first time that an insurance policy offering liability cover had been rolled out. Three years before Truman had drafted his policy, an insurance company in England had already rolled out a car insurance policy offering liability cover, in 1895.

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