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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Constitutes Business Car Insurance

By Graham McKenzie

Personal car insurance and business car insurance are necessities in our daily life. Many differences align the two and the price varies as well. When it comes to personal and business car insurance, there are some distinct differences.

Liability is the first distinct difference. In a personal policy, you are liable for yourself and any other driver in your household. On a business policy, you are liable for yourself and every employee that is able to drive. The difference between the two in this case is the fact that most people trust their family more. Moreover, your family has you best interest in mind where employees do not. Most business choose to pull the persons driving record before hiring them in the case they will need to drive. Adding a person with a bad driving record will increase your rates significantly.

The flexibility of the business policy far outweighs the personal car insurance policy. This is because you have different circumstances that arise in business. A business usually deals with expensive items and carries certain items. During this time, they are responsible for it. If something happens, they have to pay up. This is business activity and not personal. A business policy is necessary.

Keeping track of gas and miles seems like a daunting task, however, it is a business necessity. It is very important that you distinguish which miles were used for personal use and which were used for business use. This helps on all fronts and is often tracked using a computer based model.

As always, a separate business policy is always recommended over a joint policy. There are many liabilities that come with business and to place your personal use in the middle is not often a good idea. If you are going to proceed using a personal policy for limited business use, you will need to contact the company you are insured with immediately and let them know. This will help prevent any claims being turned down in the event that something happens and you are using it for business use.

As stated above, you rate will increase because your usage has increased. Understand the usage for business is anything that is defined out of your daily use. In other words, driving to a conference is business use. This even applies if they reimburse you for miles and gas. If you transport goods or deliver items, you are using your personal vehicle for business use and it has to be documented. Sometimes we do not view things as business use because we consistently do them without even thinking. . Always keep everything in check because there are certain ramifications for not complying.

Never be challenged later down the road with not having adequate coverage or being denied a claim because you did not inform the insurance company of your situation. Talk to an agent and get the best deal.

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