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Thursday, June 11, 2009

How To Save On Car Premiums With Anti-Theft Devices

By Graham McKenzie

You can cut the cost of your car insurance by confirming with your insurer the premium discount that you can avail for outfitting the car being insured with the applicable anti-theft device. Insurance companies normally offer special discounts and cutbacks on the amount of premium in consideration to the security system and anti-theft device installed in your car. When you are scouting for the best priced car insurance policy, don?t fail to clarify with your insurance agent the discounts that they can offer to you for the device or security system that you are using in your vehicle.

There are three main types of anti-theft devices available in the market today. These are the mechanical immobilizers, the car security alarm systems and the electronic tracking and immobilizing device. It is important that you have clear understanding of the operating principles of these 3 types of security devices.

Mechanical locks and latches are commonly referred to as mechanical car immobilizers. This is a practical alternative to the expensive electronic security gadgets. It basically provides protection by physically immobilizing critical control mechanisms of the vehicle. The most common mechanical immobilizer is the steering wheel metal latch. It practically locks into place the steering wheel to prevent car thieves from driving a car outfitted with such device. One great advantage of this type of mechanical locks is that it is a good deterrent for would-be thieves as they normally shun away from vehicles that are protected by mechanical immobilizers. There are also sturdy metal latches that can immobilize the brake pedals, wheel assembly and even the stick shifters. Nonetheless, car security experts recommend that these mechanical devices are best paired with other car security gadgets to address all possible threat scenarios.

The security alarm systems comprise another category of anti-theft devices. This category includes a wide array of electronically activated car sensors. These electronic devices protect vehicles from possible breach by thieves. An alarm is activated in case of unauthorized or forced entry, perimeter threats, breaking of glass windows and sudden movements or nudges to the vehicle.

The third category of anti-theft systems includes electronic devices that provide vehicle tracking capability. In instances where thieves successfully drive off with your car, this third category of car theft security system will monitor and report the exact movement and location of the stolen vehicle. An added feature of vehicles with vehicle tracking security system is the VIN etching which functions as the identification code of the vehicle and as the tracking device. Another major feature of this type of security system is its capability to immobilize the car by cutting off power once there is an unauthorized attempt to drive the car.

The final aspect of the decision making process is the confirmation from your insurance agent or the car insurance provider of the inclusions under the discounted premium of car insurance policies. On the other hand, if you are looking for the right anti-theft device and security system, it is essential that you consider the discounts that you can get from premiums with each of the gadgets you are seriously considering.

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