Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop Paying Through The Nose For Car Insurance

By Thomas Ajava

Paying for car insurance is one of those things that you should do. If you get in an accident, you will be happy you spent the money. If you feel like you are paying too much for insurance, you probably are. Most Americans pay far too much because they do not really know what they are buying.

Insurance is more or less a form of gambling. An insurance company does a ton of statistical analysis in an attempt to figure out how to classify drivers and the amounts they will pay out on them. The higher the risk the associate with you, the higher you can count on your rates being.

As much as you might dislike paying for auto insurance, you have the ability to pay less by understanding how the system works and how it can be manipulated. There are a few different strategies that can be used to do just this.

The first step is to get to the heart of the matter. What is the real issue for insurance companies? The real risk is they will have to pay money on your policy. So, is there any way to make the chance of this occuring smaller? Of course!

The rule of KISS is a perfect one. KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. This is the aim of our first step. With it, we are going to focus on something known as the deductible for the vehicle insurance policy. Most come with three options - $250, $500 and $1,000.

If you want to cut your insurance premiums, try raising your deductible rate. An increase from $250 to $1,000 will save you a huge amount. Why? This change pretty much eliminates all the small claims you might make. That lowers the payout risk.

A auto insurance policy is just one coverage, right? No, it is not. In truth, a auto pollicy is actually a collection of different types of insurance. Each one comes with a cost that, when totalled, creates the overall amount you must pay for the insurance.

If your car needs to be repaired or replaced, you must have comprehensive coverage in your insurance. That being said, you only need as much as your car is worth. If you have a $5,000 car, you should not be paying for $50,000 in comprehensive coverage. Adjust it and your rates will plummet.

You definitely need insurance coverage to pay your medical bills if you are injured in an accident. That being said, which coverage should it be? If you have health insurance through work, you rarely need to also have it on your car insurance. Check the language to see if there is a need. There usually is not, so eliminate it and save.

Most people just pay what they are told to when it comes to their insurance. This is particularly true when it comes to vehicle insurance. This is really a mistake. Know what is in the proposed policy and eliminate what you don't need. Doing so will save you money this year and ever year after that.

Car insurance is something you absolutely must maintain. That being said, you should not be taken to the cleaners when it comes to paying for it. Know what is involved and stand up for yourself. You will save a bundle and still get the coverage you need.

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