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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What to do When Your Car Breaks Down

By Harry Johnson

Second only to life itself, owning a car to most people is essential. The freedom, adventure and satisfaction that is derived from owning a car is an indispensable part of their lives. That is, at least until they experience a car breakdown on the roadside. At time, it can possibly become their worst nightmare. Listed here are some things to know about car breakdowns.

Not too often is there a more stressful, emotional period than when you are miles from home and you have a car breakdown. Aside from the panic and terror that set in, one concern after another begins to mount up. However, this is where the ability to remain calm will either make or break you.

Those of you on the highway are more prone to breaking down. I'm sure you have already noticed a few of these lonely cars along your route from time to time. You may even spot some in close proximity to each other. What's the deal? Why does this happen so frequently?

People will abandon the maintenance of their vehicles, for far too many reasons. The time of day or week is especially a factor. Most car mechanics only work a normal work week. After examining the car breakdown on the side of the road, you may discover that parts are needed. Getting car parts can be a real hassle. Lack of help to fix a car breakdown puts people in taxis for a pleasant ride home with the taxi driver.

If you were to treat your car like a person whom needs proper medical attention, your car will live a longer life. Just like a physical at your doctor's office, your car will be looked over by the mechanic from head to toe. Once that checks out, he or she will then look further for possible internal injuries sort of speak. Keep up with all the work performed on the car both inside and out and have this available to your mechanic. This information is similar to patient history. The mechanic can only determine the health of your car based on what you say about its performance.

Be sure to take your car to get regular checkups for maintenance. Also, please never go past two oil changes in your car and remember to always have oil for your vehicle. When your car breaks down, you are now in the spot light which can cause embarrassment for the driver. This is not exactly the spot light most are looking for. You can be the one responsible for holding up traffic or even worse, you may have caused an accident. When cars break down, we all tend to take a peek making driving much more hazardous.

If you want to stop kicking tires on the side of highways, then befriend your car. Keep your maintenance up on your car. Treat it with dignity, and it just might treat you royally and you may not find yourself on the side of the road.

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