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Monday, June 15, 2009

Antique Auto Insurance - Online Auto Insurance Quotes

By Matt Hellstrom

Because of the place an antique automobile has created in history for itself in terms of the premium prices they typically command, antique auto insurance is important. These automobiles are collected by passionate enthusiasts who are willing to pay much more for them than their actual cost back in the day.

Whereas the ordinary automobile faces depreciation in its value over the years, a vintage automobile's value appreciates with each passing year. The older it is the more value it has to the collector. Some very rare automobiles of such kind are priced so high that they are many times over their original market value. The existence of this anomaly creates a lot of problems when it comes to determining a value for such automobile before they can be insured.

In ordinary cases, an insurance company only pays for the actual cash value of the automobile. With each passing year this value depreciates. Antique auto insurance providers do not determine the value of a vintage or classic vehicle based on its utility value nor do they consider depreciation with age.

There are several methods to determine the value of an antique automobile that are employed by insurance companies offering antique auto insurance policies on antique and classic automobiles. The main one is the agreed upon price method which basically is the price acceptable to both the insurance company and the car owners. This value is arrived at after a consensus is reached on the price and a particular amount that is higher than the original cost of the car is fixed as the value.

The price of an antique or classic automobile can be arrived at by employing the services of an independent appraiser as well. This price that is arrived at is invariably much higher than the original price of the automobile. This value can also be arrived at through comparing the automobile in question with others in its genre as listed in trade magazines that list out price indexes for vintage automobiles.

One method that is less frequently adopted is to determine the value based on the total cost that has been incurred by the owner for the automobile over the years which include the original cost plus the amounts spent on repairs, up gradations, changing of parts, adding enhancements etc. This value is also usually higher than the original price by a large margin. The last method is to determine the actual cash value of the automobile as determined for any other by deducting the depreciation incurred over the years from the original cost of the automobile.

There are many rules that are laid down by antique auto insurance providers that have to be followed by the owner of a vintage automobile for the policy to be effective. Antique auto insurance companies stipulate that the automobile should not be used as a means of regular transport and should be kept in a safe environment sometimes with security alarms and fire proof measures in place. The other requirements are that the owner should have an impeccable driving record of over 10 years to be eligible for a policy. These automobiles are also not to be used for racing and it has to be shown that all members of the family of the owner have access to other modes of transportation than the vintage automobile.

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