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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Tips to Reduce your Insurance Excess

By Graham McKenzie

Insurance excess is the term which applies to the money that you will have to provide out of your own pocket in the event that you ever need to file a claim before the insurance company will ever provide money. This term applies most regularly to car insurance companies largely due to the number of claims that are filed each year. Many people look for methods to reduce their insurance excess and there are methods which do exist and do work.

The surest method available to reduce your insurance excess is to increase your premium. Insurance companies will often offer lower excess to people if they are willing to pay a higher premium. This method is often not as good as it may seem at first. In most cases the extra money you will pay out in your premium will more than make up for any savings you will get on your excess in only a matter of a few months. In fact, in nearly all cases, unless you will be filing a claim every two to three months it would be better to lower premium and accept a higher excess.

Students and parents of students who have good grades are able to receive a reduction on both their premium and their excess from many insurance companies. This is because most insurance companies offer what is known as a good grades deduction. This deduction is offered because most insurance companies view students who have good grades as students who are more mature and therefore less likely to be involved in an accident.

Practicing safe driving habits over time can lead to lower premiums and a lower excess payment. This is because practicing safe driving habits will reduce your odds of having an accident by a considerable margin because most accidents occur because both people make mistakes which could have been avoided. Over times this leads to the insurance company viewing you as being less risky, which means they are able to offer you the same insurance and lower excess without increasing your premiums. In some cases they can even reduce your premiums.

One area where many people fail to save all they can is failing to bring all the information to the insurance company. Many factors can lead to a lower premium and a lower excess. These include but are not limited to things such as having a good work history, being married, having children and even having a good credit history. All of these things have one thing in common and that is that they demonstrate responsibility and maturity. This in turn leads the insurance company to view you as less of a liability which in turn leads to better premiums and excess.

The most important thing you can do to reduce your insurance company is to shop around when you are looking for an insurance policy. There are many different insurance companies and they all offer similar services at different rates. Not only can this often lead you to getting a better insurance premium and a lower excess but it can also help to ensure that you have a reputable insurance company that will be there for you if you ever need them.

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