Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How To Lower Your Motor Vehicle Insurance Cost?

By Graham McKenzie

You can do several small things in order to lower you insurance premiums. The foremost thing is no doubt searching for the insurance company offering the best deal, but you can also get discounts besides that. Before settling on an agreement, inquire your insurance agent regarding the discounts that are available.

You can easily lower your monthly insurance costs by keeping your deductible high. This is the sum of money that you need to pay when the accident is caused due to your fault. This sum has to be paid once in each accident you face. With a high rate of deductible you may have to shell out more cash at the accident time, but you can get your monthly bills lowered.

The next step to get more discounts is to use the insurance company to get coverage for your cars, home, health as well as life. This way you can get more discounts. The more insurance plans you buy from the same company, the more you can save on the monthly bills.

The drivers can save money on their monthly bills through several different ways. You can start doing this by keeping you car in a properly locked garage so that there is no theft. You can also check you car for safety by adding features to it like airbags, and the anti-lock brakes. Insurance companies offer special deductibles for such cars as they are less likely to be damaged in an accident.

Defensive-driving training course is devised to make the drivers alert and ready to face situations. It trains you to be alert at the time of the accident so that you can react wisely. This helps in saving your and other people's lives. If you get this training then your insurance bill is lowered by 10%. This course is ideal for young drivers who are more susceptible to getting involved in an accident.

If you have lesser accidents on your driving history, then your monthly premiums will be less too. You must be careful about not letting just anyone drive your car. You must also concentrate and be careful while driving so that you do not get involved in an accident.

People over 55 can apply for an AARP membership and get discounts on their insurance. You can also choose to pay your whole yearly bill in advance and get a discount, but this can only be done if you have enough funds available.

During the assessment of your premiums, the insurance agents take into account factors like your driving history, your car's worth, and your age. Sometimes you just cannot alter these factors, but at times it is possible to change them. Purchase a car which takes less money to get fixed, and it will help you in lowering your premium costs. If your driving history is not that good, then you can get insurance under the name of your spouse if their record is good. The best way to lowering your premiums is to make the insurance company feel that you are not a liability and that they can profit from you.

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