Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Compare Online Auto Insurance Quotes and Save!

By Ricardo Liguriano

Are you wondering if you're paying too much for auto insurance? Currently, the market for auto insurance in the US is a buyer's market, with companies competing against each other to provide low prices, discounts, and incentives of various kinds.

Online resources make it easier than ever before to be an informed consumer and to collect and compare multiple online auto insurance quotes. Many websites even give you the option to customize your policy and to choose exactly the kind of coverage you need. Your auto insurance premium is generally calculated based on your age and marital status, the type of car you drive, your driving record, and your credit history.

Your auto insurance premium is generally calculated based on your age and marital status, the type of car you drive, your driving record, and your credit history. Before you start requesting online auto insurance quotes, you'll want to make sure you have some information handy: your driver's license number, the exact make and model of each car you want to insure, your Social Security number, and dates and details of any accidents you've had in the last five years.

At some stage during the quote process, you will be asked if you are a homeowner or have other assets to protect, such as savings and investments. This is crucial in determining what level of liability coverage you should carry. Each state in the US dictates minimums on liability coverage, but these minimums may not completely cover the total damages in the case of a serious accident.

Choosing a higher level of coverage can prevent you from facing a lawsuit if you are held responsible for an accident. Keep in mind while comparing online auto insurance quotes that the cheapest possible insurance may not always be the best; consider your actual insurance needs and shop accordingly.

However, this is another area where choosing lower coverage may turn out to be expensive if you are at fault in an accident, so it's important to decide in advance what level of risk you are comfortable with.

Another way to reduce your auto insurance premiums is to choose higher deductibles on your collision or comprehensive coverage; or, if you drive an older car with a low book value, to forgo collision and comprehensive completely. However, this is another area where choosing lower coverage may turn out to be expensive if you are at fault in an accident, so it's important to decide in advance what level of risk you are comfortable with.

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