Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Auto Insurance Deductions That You Can Apply For

By Chris Channing

Unfortunately, you won't have a choice when it comes to obtaining auto insurance and owning a legal, able to be driven, vehicle. This has led the auto insurance industry to charge quite a bit of money for the premiums they charge drivers, but at the same time they will reward those who exhibit good behavior.

What makes the life of an auto insurance company easier will often result in a discount for you. One such method is the act of paying your premiums with an EFT, or what is known as an electronic fund transfer. Doing so will cut down on paperwork associated with payment, be more reliable, and result in less costs to the auto insurance agency. With the right insurer, a discount will result.

When your parents told you that doing well in school would pay off, they weren't kidding around. Some auto insurance companies will offer a good student discount for students who maintain a certain grade point average, or GPA. This is commonly set at a 3.5 GPA or higher, but varies. Good students are more responsible on average, so shouldn't they be rewarded?

Some insurance companies like Progressive are now taking discounts to a new level. You are able to obtain a device from Progressive that monitors the way you drive. If you put few miles on your car, and you are driving at a safe speed and acceleration, you can expect a moderate cut in your insurance premiums. So far the subject of the matter is in testing phases, but it's well worth trying out if premiums are killing you.

Security is the best way to prevent your car from being stolen or vandalized. Having a security alarm or something similar can sometimes put you in the spotlight for a deduction on your monthly premiums. When auto insurance companies can trust that your car won't be stolen, they know they won't have to worry about paying you for such a case. The reduction in risk will bring a reduction in premiums, and while not much, is still worth the effort.

The best thing you can do at this point to avoid a rise in premiums is to stay out of trouble. When you break the law, you are doing more than endangering the lives of others- you are also making your own finances suffer. Auto insurance companies will keep up to date on your driving record, and will penalize you or drop you altogether if you show too much risk as a driver.

Closing Comments

Auto insurance is required, and thus, you will just have to make do with paying the premiums each month so long as you have need for a vehicle. As always, look to use the tips mentioned to help you get a better deal in the process.

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