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Monday, June 29, 2009

Car Insurance Ladies - Why It's Different From a Regular One

By Enrico Medina

Ladies benefit more from car insurance companies as they are considered as much less risky drivers. Though we have to be clear on one thing, statistics show that lady drivers do get into as much accidents as men do. However, the amount of damage done to the car is much less therefore cheaper to repair.

However, ladies weren't often regarded as this. Before recent statistics showed up, it was assumed that ladies were of higher risk when purchasing car insurance and more ofter than not, given less attractive packages.

Men, being bore aggressive and risky drivers often induce their can into heavier damage. Ladies are more prone to minor scratches, little bumps here and there and some don't ever involve other cars but rather immobile objects like walls and posts.

Car insurance for ladies can be found from general car insurance companies or companies which focus on womens policies. Just like any other product though, its always good to compare prices between companies and policies.

Even just browsing through the internet, you will be able to see a couple of sites which compare various insurances. This is good for us buyers because we can make very good and sound decisions.

Ladies, as statistics show often drive fewer miles as compared to men and are less likely to get into car accidents. This gives them the advantage when haggling for premiums, and in most cases will get discounts or freebies. Also with them driving fewer miles as compared to men, their cars are more often than not in better condition.

As with general neatness, ladies are more organized and clean as compared to men. Their cars tend to be cleaner and this results to a longer life for the car resulting in less repairs and cheaper bills.

Only a lady can apply for this type of insurance by the way.They get all sorts of discounts and bonuses just because they are regarded as such. Overall, insurance companies consider them as less risky to engage business with.

Since women are less likely to have an accident, they are also less likely to file large monetary claims against the insurance company. This is the reason why they offer discounted rates for ladies as they can save a lot of money from them.

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