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Thursday, June 4, 2009

The High Risk Of Teenage Driving

By Nathan Lewit

Getting your license as a teenager was one of the greatest achievements that many of us can remember. It still is a memorable thing, but not quite in such a great way as it was in the past. Now teenage driving is associated with being one of the leading causes of teen deaths.

Lacking knowledge and experience could have something to do with it but there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration as well.

Driver's education classes are a great start for a teen to begin their life of driving. It can give them a great foundation of what the rules are and the acceptable ways to act when you are behind the wheel of a vehicle. In class and in car lessons give them some of the experience they need, but this is far from enough. The learning needs to continue after the driver's education is complete.

Teens are a bit on the naive side and do not think that some of the things that they are doing will hurt anyone. This is so far from the truth though. How can a person text message and drive at the same time?

There are so many things that teenagers take for granted once they begin to drive it is a very scary thing. There are a lot of teens that text message and talk on cell phones while they are driving. This is taking a huge risk with their lives when they do this as well as others that are on the road when they are doing such things. New laws that have been implemented making the use of cell phones while driving illegal in many places is an excellent way to reduce this risk associated with teenage driving.

Drugs and drinking and driving are still a big matter that is still seen to happen all the time. No matter how the laws change people continue to do this and do not think of the others that could be hurt by it. Teenage driving is still quite common in alcohol or drug related traffic accidents. The police are doing the best that they can and are using zero tolerance policies when it comes to drugs and alcohol and being behind the wheel of a car.

Young men are having behaviours that are quite risky as well. They love the road racing idea but do not think of the people that may get hurt while they do such things. They just see it as speed and more speed. This is okay when you are in an appropriate place like there are in some states, but it is not acceptable on our everyday roads.

We all want to make sure that teenage driving remains fun and enjoyable. That is why there are so many groups that have been formed that are all trying to make sure that our young people remain safe while out on the road. They need to be commended for the time and the efforts that they give.

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