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Monday, June 1, 2009

Ways To Avoid Car Accidents

By Jovita Hartlein

Car accidents these days seem to be a growing epidemic among young adults and drives all over the entire country. Because of the amount of technology that we have at our fingertips, many drivers are finding themselves getting into more accidents then usual.

If you want to be a safe driver and you want to learn how to avoid an accident, then take a look at all of these helpful tips to help you along the way!

Technology is not new to us, and we like being able to use it whenever you want to. If you do a lot of driving and you sit in traffic a lot, avoid a car accident by getting off of that cell phone and concentrating. Those who do concentrate have a lower risk of getting in an accident, and can get home safely.

For all of those parents out there with teenagers that are getting ready to drive, make sure that you take the time to sit down with them and show them the way of the road.

More teens die each and every year from car accidents, and it seems that they may have needed a little more guidance.

Playing around with the radio or reading while you are driving is definitely not a good idea. We always see people on television shaving while driving and this really does happen! Try being a defensive driver and watching what is going on around you.

Driving does not have to be a scary thing for anyone, and car accidents can easily be avoided if these tips are kept in mind. For those teens out there, make sure that you are setting good examples as parents.

Don't tailgate other drivers. Driving dangerously and recklessly is a sure way to get hurt and could cause you serious problems down the road.

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