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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Car Insurance for 17 Year Old's

By John Perkins

Buying your 17 year old car insurance does not have to be hard. In fact it can be fairly simple; however there are a few things that you will need to take into consideration. The first thing that you will need to think about is how much insurance coverage you want to purchase for your teenager. You also need to decide whether you are going to pay for your teen's insurance or if they will be responsible for the bill. You should also think about your budget.

Obtaining insurance for a 17 year old is not hard. In fact it can be fairly simple. Get out a phone book and start calling insurance companies. You will need to tell them that you are looking for a quote for 17 year old car insurance. It is important that you call several different companies to make sure you find the best rate on car insurance for your teenager.

If you want to save sometime you should try looking online for 17 year old car insurance quotes. Many site offer quotes from several different insurance companies. This can be a very helpful tool when you are shopping for car insurance for your teenager.

Another option is to call an insurance agent. An insurance agent will be able to help you obtain insurance for your 17 year old. They will take down your information and call you back later that day with an insurance quote.

It is important that you buy enough insurance for your 17 year old. The state minimum will cover any damages done to another vehicle should your teenager have an accident. Full Coverage will cover both vehicles and all the people involved in an accident. You would be wise to consult a professional when deciding how much insurance you should purchase for your young driver.

If there is a lien on the vehicle that you will be insuring then you will most likely be required to carry full coverage on the vehicle. Full coverage insurance is much more expensive to carry than the state minimum. Most banks will not let you drop your insurance down to the state minimum until after the vehicle has been paid off.

You and your teenage will need to sit down and discuss who will be responsible for paying for the insurance plan. Many parents will tell you that insurance for 17 year olds is not cheap. If your teenagers is going to be paying for their own car insurance then you will need to set firm consequences for not paying their insurance bill before you add them to your own insurance plan.

Friends and family can be a great resource when purchasing 17 year old car insurance. Many of them will be happy to tell you who their car insurance company is and if they are satisfies with the service that they receive. Word of mouth is a great tool when purchasing insurance.

Remember buying your 17 year old car insurance does not have to be stressful. Take your time and plan to find the best rate before making a purchase. By shopping around first you will be able to find a great rate on car insurance for your 17 year old.

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