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Monday, June 15, 2009

Is Comprehensive Liability Insurance Necessary?

By Graham McKenzie

We would be in a huge amount of financial worries if insurance was not on our side. If you think about it; if you get in an accident, what happens? The first things people do that have insurance is call their insurance company; those who do not have a hard time coming to them. Face it; having insurance is an everyday occurrence. Car insurance keeps us level headed when we are in the car.

We have all used or will use our insurance at some point in our lives. Most of the time we do not need the insurance and we complain about the premium that goes along with it. It isn?t until you actually make a claim that you were glad you had it. Other than that, we find it useless and just another bill; but we still keep it around.

The most basic coverage you will find with car insurance is called liability insurance. It prevents from large sums of money coming out of your pocket in the event of an accident. When you have a car accident, one person will come away from that accident liable for the damages. There is more to a car than structural damage when you get into an accident. Accidents also include physical and emotional damage. This can pose a horrible and debilitating financial outcome.

Liability Insurance is also called Third Party Cover. If you are deemed at fault for the accident, you will be able to avoid bankruptcy with liability insurance. You do not want to be stuck in court because you did not have insurance coverage. This would usually involve the person who was not at fault trying to get all the money they can out of you and then some more in court costs. This is their legal right. This process is long and drawn out often times taking years to come to a resolution. The resolution is usually you being wiped out of everything.

Insurance makes you feel safe in the event of an accident. It ensures that you will be alright financially if you find yourself in one. In general, the premiums you pay are all associated with risk. This is why premiums go up after you have been in an accident; it means you are more of a risk. In the event of an accident, your insurance company handles all the payments and all of the court problems and negotiations. You will, however, be responsible for the excess. An excess is the part you will pay before your insurance company will do this for you. This amount was determined when you signed your policy and is communicated every time your policy is up for renewal. Excess runs from a couple hundred dollars all the way up to thousands.

Getting the right insurance is very important. The one to start with is of course liability insurance. There are many other types of insurance available for specific situations so be sure to check with your insurance representative for more information on what would be the best for your particular situation.

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