Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tips on Lowering your Seattle Auto Insurance Premium

By Steve Turner

If you are struggling financially right now you may be looking for new Seattle auto insurance coverage. By following some insurance strategies and obtaining a few quotes from a variety of insurance providers you will be able to find the best deal.

If you ever allow your insurance policy to expire you will be categorized as an uninsured driver. This will make it harder for you to find a new policy and will also greatly increase your premium. Begin shopping for new coverage 30 days before your policy expires to avoid this situation.

Insurance providers will include finance fees in the premium if you choose to pay in installments instead of all upfront. Some will charge as much as $10-15 for a three month period, making it cheaper to even put it on your credit card. Another incentive to pay upfront is that some providers will offer a fast payment discount for doing so.

Do not be fooled by such gimmicks as first accident forgiveness. You will most likely pay a higher premium for coverage of an accident that may not even happen. Ask how much your policy will cost with and without this feature.

Installing an alarm or vehicle recovery system can reduce your auto insurance premium. Ask your insurance provider their opinion on which system that they think is the best and what discount you may receive for having one installed.

Look online for the lowest car insurance quotes. Find an insurance comparison website that will allow you to enter in your information once and receive back multiple quotes for coverage. Such comparisons will allow you to pick the best rate and policy for you.

By using as many of these tips as possible you can be confident that you will find the lowest premium for your auto insurance. If you feel you need help in this process contact an insurance broker because they will be able to assist you get through the steps quickly and ensure you have the best price.

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