Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cheap Auto Insurance Policy

By Ritchie Z. Saunders

Have you ever wondered how a car insurance company puts a price on your car insurance? That's simple; the amount you are paying is based on the risk you will be to them. In layman's terms, the less likely you will be involved in a car accident, the cheaper your car insurance will be. Therefore, in order for your premiums to reduce, you need to reduce your risk. Here are some ways to reduce that risk.

Your parking spot - it is easy for your vehicle to acquire accidental damage if don't park it on a safe place. Car theft can also happen if you're not careful. Always make sure you park your car in safe or secure place because doing this can reduce your premiums.

Cars that are expensive, powerful and fast are categorized as risky cars and risky cars expensive to insure. So if you want cheaper car insurance, better buy a low profile or inexpensive car.

Fit safety and security devices - If you have spare savings, invest on safety and security devices. You don't have to install every device that's available in the market, an airbag and car alarm will do the trick and will reduce your insurance premiums.

Try to reduce your mileage - There is a saying in the car insurance industry "drive less and pay less". This is true since most car insurance company offers discounts to those drivers with low mileage count. The only way to maintain a low mileage is to take public transportation sometimes; once or twice a week will have a great effect on your mileage. As a matter of fact, you are also lowering the chance of getting into a car accident if you drive your car less.

Always remember, it's not that hard to reduce that high insurance cost. Just remember to make yourself be known as a low-risk driver and your premiums can drop gradually.

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