Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Your Guide to Car Insurance and Costs

By Calvin Wapasa

Auto insurance is one of a growing number of common items we must all have that continues to increase in cost despite cars being safer and tighter laws. The high price has made numerous low income family units to choose between paying for food and paying to protect their car - with this cost most frequently losing out. Although the method used to estimate premiums is complicated, there are ways you can employ to lower the amount you pay and learning these would be a smart move.

While nearly all young people believe they can drive better than anyone on the highway, statistics show different and as a consequence the younger the driver, the more they will have to pay for their auto insurance policy - those under twenty five are usually the hardest hit. In the USA, the figures establish this premise to be correct as the amount of accidents or driving violations are considerably higher in this age bracket. So the insurance underwriters who have to pay out on these accidents guarantee that those people who are under 25 will pay more for their protection.

If you enjoy driving a fast sports car then you can also expect to pay more for you motorcar insurance than someone who only drives an old estate car. The more costly the vehicle is the higher the premium will be as it will cost more if there is damage or it has to be replaced when totaled. Big savings can be made just by purchasing an older vehicle or one with a better safety record.

Insurance Companies also look at a driver's history for accidents and convictions as this tells them about your driving ability and the risk they may be taking by insuring them. Insurance Underwriters also like to reward safe drivers with lower car insurance premiums as an inducement for good driving; they will increase the premiums for drivers who are not careful or do not worry about other peoples safety. This is mirrored in the amount of times a person who has previous accidents or tickets for moving violations will claim on their insurance policy against a individual with a clean driving record.

Annual savings can be made if this info is acted upon as the growth in car insurance premiums will carry on. Even more components than this will impact an individual's premium but those listed here are the most important. Use this data wisely and it could help how much you pay for your insurance premiums for many years to come.

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