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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Coverage Amounts for Seattle Auto Insurance

By Steve Turner

Your Seattle Auto Insurance policy is one of the major purchases you will make as a driver. It can be difficult to know how much coverage you need for your situation. There is a fine balance between having enough coverage and having too much.

You will be required to have full coverage auto insurance if you are making payments towards your vehicle still. This includes the addition of collision and comprehensive coverage to the minimal limits required by law. This extra coverage is to protect the financer from financial loss if you are in an accident.

If you have your vehicle paid off there are still circumstances that may tempt you to have full coverage. One of these circumstances would be if your vehicle is worth a lot of money. Here full coverage helps you to protect your own investment.

Having full coverage may not be worth the extra expense if your car is older or inexpensive. A way that you could save money is to increase your deductible amount to a level you feel comfortable with.

Talk with your insurance agent about not having collision coverage if your car is old or inexpensive. Keep your comprehensive coverage though because it will give you protection against damages caused by fire, theft or window breaks.

Of course it is your decision how much and what types of insurance coverage you chose to purchase. You need to make sure that you have enough coverage to give yourself the peace of mind you deserve.

An insurance agent will be able to help you make the best informed decision about what types of coverage best fit your situation. Talk with one if you have any questions or concerns about your policy.

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