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Monday, April 27, 2009

Inexpensive Seattle Auto Insurance for Singles

By Steve Turner

Seattle Auto Insurance is more expensive for single drivers than for mature or married drivers. The age of the driver also goes into account. A 29 year old male will receive a lower premium than a 23 year old male, even if they have the same driving records.

More expensive coverage is given to those single drivers that are seen to be a higher risk of loss for the insurance provider. A single 25 year old male who has a poor driving history will be given a considerably higher premium. Although single young women are not seen to be as high of a risk so their premiums are lower.

Age and sex are not the only two factors that are used when determining your insurance premium. There are numerous factors that providers look at to decide how much of a risk you are.

The area in which you live will have an impact on your insurance price. Regions that have high amounts of traffic or crime will be given higher rates because of the increased risk of a claim needed to be filed.

Your insurance provider is able to look at the last 10 years of your driving record. If you have received any traffic or alcohol violations then you will not be given a very affordable rate for your insurance coverage.

The type and age of your vehicle will be taken into account. You will also be asked how many claims for accidents that you have filed. Your job and level of education will also affect your premium.

As you can see there are a number of different factors that are considered when determining your insurance premium rate. Comparison shopping is the best way to find the most affordable policy for you.

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