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Monday, April 27, 2009

Seattle Auto Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident

By Steve Turner

Seattle Auto Insurance coverage is required by law for residents driving in the area. It is very likely that all drivers will be in an accident at one time or another.

Low speed and low impact collisions are responsible for injuries to drivers and passengers every year. A rear end in slow moving traffic is an example of this. Injuries resulting are usually soft tissue related and are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Damages and injuries resulting from the collision will be assessed by an insurance adjuster before the insurance provider will make any payments. The insurance provider can be independent or work solely for your insurance provider. If the collision you were in was quite minor, they may not believe that you were really injured.

Knowing what their approach will be if you find yourself in this situation can be helpful. You should expect the adjuster to be skeptical if not trying to prove that you were not actually injured.

Low speed collisions are those that involve slow speeds. However low impact relates to the difference in speed. For example if you are traveling 35 mph and are struck by a vehicle going 45 mph then there is a 10 mph difference, creating low impact.

If the other driver is at fault for the accident then their insurance company should cover the expenses. But if he is uninsured or if his insurance company will not accept liability you may find yourself needing to submit claims to your own insurance company.

Your auto insurance policy should contain collision coverage. If that is the case then if you do have to file a claim with your insurance provider the collision coverage will pay for the damages to your vehicle. Any injuries sustained will fall under the protection of your health insurance policy.

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