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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Utah Auto Insurance - Teenage Drivers

By Steve Turner

To legally driver on state roads all drivers must have Utah Auto Insurance coverage. It is a criminal offense to not have the required level of insurance coverage and drive in the state of Utah.

If you have a child that is coming of driving age, you will need to add them to your insurance policy as a driver. Understanding how this will impact your policy is beneficial.

No matter where you live young drivers always have to pay a higher premium than drivers that have had more experience on the road. This is due to the statistics that those with little experience are more likely to be in an accident.

There is a minimal amount and type of insurance coverage that is required by Utah state laws. To avoid fines make certain that you have at least this coverage on your policy. It is also mandatory that you have in your vehicle at all times proof of insurance.

Because of the high cost of insuring teenagers some parents require them to obtain their own insurance coverage. This can be risky because if the teen causes an accident and did not obtain sufficient insurance coverage, then the parent will be financially responsible because the child is a minor.

Ultimately what you can afford is going to determine the insurance coverage that you chose. Know what all your options are.

To be able to ensure that you find the best price for your coverage, shop around with a number of insurance providers. You can do this by either contacting each provider individually or by using an insurance comparison website.

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