Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Finding Utah Auto Insurance

By Steve Turner

Residents of the state are required to have Utah Auto Insurance coverage to legally drive. Before you purchase a policy, read through the information below to ensure that you have an affordable rate with a great provider.

In the state of Utah you must have $25,000 of bodily injury coverage per person and $50,000 of bodily injury coverage for all injuries you cause. $15,000 of property damage is required to pay for the damage to another person's car. Personal injury protection coverage will pay for your medical bills no matter who is at fault.

The above are the minimal to be legal in the state, but drivers should always consider having additional coverage for financial security. Comprehensive coverage will pay for repairs needed from events other than a collision such as vandalism or fire, and collision coverage will pay for your medical bills and property repairs regardless of who is at fault in the collision. Expenses caused by uninsured, underinsured, or hit and run drivers are covered through the uninsured motorist plan.

Insurance rates will vary a lot from one insurance provider to the next. This makes it important for you to compare the rates of a number of different providers. An insurance comparison website is a quick way for you to be able to do this.

To find further savings on their insurance premium, drivers should raise the amount of deductible on their coverage. Changing the deductible amount from $200 to $1,000 can decrease the premium by as much as 50%.

Drivers can realize further savings on their policy through discounts. A majority of insurance providers offer various discounts, and drivers should ask their agent what they may qualify for.

Drivers over the age of 55 are often given a senior discount on their auto insurance policy. Installing a car alarm or having anti-lock brakes could qualify the driver for a safety discount. Many insurance providers will also give discounts for combining a homeowners and auto insurance coverage on the same policy.

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