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Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to Insure Your Sports Car

By Tom Martens

Owning a sports car is many drivers' dream, but insuring a sports care can be a nightmare. Fortunately, there ways you can get the insurance coverage you need without receiving a bailout for your budget.

When looking for insurance quotes for a sports car, get more than one quote. Check with the competition to see if they can offer a better rate. The insurance market is competitive. Take advantage of it and get a good deal.

Make sure you get comprehensive coverage of your sports car. Sports cars are expensive investments. It would be foolish not to protect that investment, especially in the current economic situation when it might not be as easy to replace a sports car after an accident or theft.

Become a member of clubs and organizations for sports car owners that can get you a break on your insurance costs. Many times, it is possible to get a discount on your policy just because you are a club member. Marquee clubs also negotiate cheaper rates for their members. Ask around, and you will find out which clubs offer the best rates.

If you also insure your home or your life, consider bundling your policies. Bundling is getting all your policies from the same company. When you get more than one policy from the same company, you may get significant savings on all our policies. Moreover, it is more convenient for you to deal with a single provider of all your insurance needs. Another way to save money is to consider increasing your deductible. Just raising your deductible one level can provide important savings on your premiums for your sports car. The only catch is, you must be able to pay the deductible should you need to file a claim.

Are you a senior, or a student? Many companies provide discounts to these groups. Even so, sports car drivers under the age of 30 pay extraordinarily high premiums. Since most students are under 30, a student discount on your sports car becomes extremely important.

It is also possible to take defensive driving to get a discount on your insurance rates. Younger drivers can also get a discount by taking driver ed. Or, you may simply choose to drive less. You can scale back your premiums if you drive only a few months out of the year. Ask your agent for details.

Insurance companies charge more to sports car drivers than to drivers of other vehicles because they have to pay out more claims for accidents and theft. Thieves target sports cars, forcing the company to charge you more. Whatever your individual needs, get in touch with an experienced insurance agent. He or she can examine your individual needs and come up with a comprehensive insurance plan that provides you with all the coverage you require. Make sure your investment is adequately insured so you may enjoy it for years to come.

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