Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kentucky Auto Insurance Rates

By Steve Turner

There are a number of different things that affect the price that insurance providers charge for Kentucky Auto Insurance coverage. Just one of these things is the type of vehicle that you choose to drive.

The claim history and type of vehicle you drive will have a larger impact on your premium than the actual value will. Insurance providers will rate your vehicle type on a scale based upon the probability of theft or accidents and repair costs as compared to other vehicle types.

If your vehicle is among one of the types that are frequently stolen your premiums will be higher. Your premium will also be affected if your vehicle is expensive or technologically advanced.

The power of your car will affect the premium. High performance and light weight cars both have a high loss rate and therefore higher premiums. Station wagons and passenger vans have the lowest losses in vehicle damage and will therefore have a better rate.

There are some states that have a higher rate of insurance fraud causing higher rates. Insurance providers also will evaluate your age, gender, driving record and credit rating when computing your premium.

Because of the reasons listed above you can see why your vehicle will make a difference on your insurance premium. Talk with your insurance agent about how your vehicle rates on the various risk scales.

To help find the best coverage and price for your auto insurance policy use an insurance comparison website. These sites allow you to enter in your information once and then will provide you with a number of quotes from various insurance providers. Since it is recommended that you obtain at least 3 quotes, this is a quick way to accomplish this.

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