Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Auto Insurance -- Pay Less; Get Extensive Protection

By Chimezirim Odimba

Are you retired? Then you can get a retiree discount with several insurers. Retired people don't have to drive to work every day. A person's total mileage is a strong factor that determines how much you pay in premiums.

Don't forget that you qualify for this discount if you're retired. So it's a good thing to ask your agent. If for any reason they don't have a discount like this, remember to tell your agent about your change in mileage. Unless the change in your mileage isn't significant, you should shop for another insurer if you don't get a decent discount.

Your rate is seriously affected by your total mileage. Therefore do all within your power to NOT drive your car whenever there is a good alternative. This certainly makes sense if you live in an urban area where you have access to standard mass transit systems.

You can also reduce your mileage by joining a carpool.

Never leave your car unlocked and running while you dash in to get something. The only easier thing for a thief would be if you handed over your keys as a gift. Remember, they look for easy targets. It certainly doesn't get easier for a thief than an unlocked car with a running engine.

For no reason must you allow your auto insurance policy to lapse..Those who allow this to befall them get higher rates for a long time. This happens to many folks when they are about changing over to another insurance carrier.

A simple way to be certain you do NOT make this costly mistake is to leave your old policy intact until you're sure the new one is in full force. As simple as this may seem, many individuals are bearing the weight of higher rates because of just a little negligence.

Time out: To get sufficient coverage for a lot less go to Auto insurance rate Colorado and Bakersfield California car insurance

You'll be given lower rates if you pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This process authorizes your bank to credit your insurer with your payments automatically until you advise to the contrary. This reduces an insurer's overhead by removing the need for payment notices or checks. An insurer passes part of what they save to you by offering you lower rates.

Drive carefully if you're truly serious about attracting cheaper auto insurance rates. You'll be making a good decision to always avoid being behind the wheels if you take alcohol.

Traffic offences that are associated to drinking invariably make you attract very high rates. Even those speeding tickets do add up to make you get higher rates over time. You'll be helping yourself if you obey all traffic laws always.

.Do your best to install theft-deterrent devices in your car. They usually get you an anti-theft discount for the simple reason that they make it less likely that you car will be stolen. Thieves will think twice before attempting to steal a car with anti-theft devices.

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