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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Look into Insuring Your Old Car

By Calvin Wapasa

Having an old auto isn't just about ownership as many individuals take them to car shows and parade them as examples of the styles of years gone past but just like everyday automobiles they require insurance. Although you might think it hard to obtain, it is surprising how many [companies] can actually supply old auto insurance. This is obviously good for the person searching for the classic motorcar insurance as they have plenty of companies to choose from.

Mainstream automobile insurance underwriters are also now able to provide this type of insurance for antique automobiles which they have a name for; 'collectors car insurance'. Coverage is calculated once a representative from the insurance company takes the details of your car and your personal details so as to provide the best policy. Your level of cover will depend on how much you can afford but it is possible to lower this by arranging for your deductible to be raised above the minimum set by the insurer.

It is important to know that the company you are insuring your old auto with is not only reliable and comes with a good reputation but they have been established for many years. If you purchase a car plan through one of these large commercial insurance companies then the chances are you will also be able to insure your regular car with them, often on the same policy. Antique automobile insurance with larger companies that do not specialize in this type of policy may be more expensive but this is often worth the extra as they are well established.

It is possible to use specialist motorcar insurance companies and frequently the rates is lower because this is the only type of insurance they provide, this might mean that you will not be able to insure any other type of automobile with them. With the number of classic automobiles still around you will not be surprised to learn that even the insurance companies have, in some areas, specialized even further to provide cover for only one type of automobile.

If you are going to apply and independent old car insurer then first check that they can be trusted and have a loyal customer base before you part with any money. You do not want to find that after months of paying the insurance premiums that the company will not or is unable to pay your insurance claim.

Locating an old auto insurance company is not as straightforward as finding a regular automobile insurance provider but if you want to know your precious auto is protected, it must be done. By their very nature, classic motorcars are almost always irreplaceable and represent a big investment on the part of the owner so protection for these automobiles is an absolute necessity.

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