Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tips for Seattle Auto Insurance

By Steve Turner

Saving money on your Seattle Auto Insurance policy is something that all drivers are looking for in this tough economy. Here are some pointers on how to lower your insurance costs.

The amount of coverage that you choose is relative to the premium that you will pay. Washington state laws will have a minimum level of coverage that will be required to driver legally in the state. This could be a combination of bodily injury, property damage, uninsured motorists, or Personal Injury Protection.

Understanding the state's requirements is important so that you do not receive a ticket for inadequate coverage. However, depending on what these limits are you may decide that you will want to increase them or have additional types of coverage for peace of mind.

Insurance providers will each have their own rates. They set these rates based on things such as the driver's sex, age and vehicle type. These variants are what create the great range of premium rates.

Comparison shopping is the best way to find the cheapest rate for your situation. It is suggested that you obtain quotes from at least three different providers. Make sure that you give each provider the same information on coverage and deductibles so your comparisons are accurate.

To decrease your premium, consider raising your collision or comprehensive deductibles. A deductible is the amount that you will pay out of pocket before the insurance policy kicks in.

An additional way to get savings on your auto insurance policy is through discounts. Ask your insurance agent if there are any discounts that you qualify for and are not getting. Make sure and add them to your policy.

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