Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Car Inusrance in SA

By Tom Martens

The automotive insurance market in South Africa is one of the more difficult ones in which to operate. Since the government does not mandate that all drivers carry car insurance, most drivers end up going without it. Also, drivers there are some of the worst around. In fact, South Africa has often had the dubious honor of being ranked number one in both traffic injuries and fatalities.

Risky drivers and uninsured motorists are causing the cost of insurance to rise for everyone.

Comprehensive Cover provides the highest level of protection, and, so, is the most expensive. Its cover includes protection provided by the two lesser types of cover, Third Party and Third Party Fire and Theft. These cover you if you damage other peoples property in an accident or if someone is injured in an accident that is your fault (Third Party) and in the event your car is damaged by fire, theft or attempted theft (Third Party Fire and Theft). Comprehensive cover adds to this by covering damage to your vehicle, limited medical expenses and replacement of broken glass.

For the moment this may not mean a lot to you. But when you understand that each time you drive without a proper insurance cover, you put at risk your car, yourself, cargo and other road users. Can you afford to replace or get your vehicle repaired without insurance? In case you are involved in a car crash and you are at fault, can you meet the expenses to repair or replace somebody elses car or property? What if your own motor vehicle gets stolen, hijacked or smashed up? If you cannot afford to meet these kinds of expenses from your own pocket, you definitely require insurance.

Since you are informed that insurance is needed, learning about lowering your premiums will take some time.

One of the most influential factors is your driving record. If you have a spotty driving record, you will represent a greater risk to the insurance company, and your premiums will reflect that. Fortunately, if you keep and maintain a clean driving record, your premiums will start to go down. Drivers who already have a good driving record can receive discounts for each claim-free year.

The kind of car you drive also makes a difference. Expensive sports cars cost more to insure because accidents or thefts are more likely and repairs cost more.

Some insurances allow for lesser rates if you make your car more safe. Consider putting in a GPX or extra locks to hold down insurance costs.

As you begin to research your insurance options, youll find comparing quotes and policies easiest online. You can even get a discount for buying your policy online. Keep in mind as youre shopping that the cheapest insurance is not always the best choice. Your goal is to find the insurance that meets your needs at a price you can afford.

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