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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Choosing Appropriate Deductible for your Kentucky Auto Insurance Policy

By Steve Turner

Talk with someone well versed in the details of the insurance industry when you are purchasing your Kentucky Auto Insurance policy. The amount of deductible that you chose to place on your policy is one of the biggest factors in calculating your premium.

Most drivers stick with the standard deductible amount of $500. However based upon the value of their car and requirements of their lien holder, some drivers will increase their deductibles to $1000 or even $5000.

There is another reason to raise your deductible. Lower premiums are offered to those drivers whom opt to increase their deductible amounts.

The deductible is the amount of damages that you will be personally responsible for before your insurance company will step in. Make certain as you are considering raising your deductible amount that you do not raise it so high that you couldn't provide the funds when needed.

Many drivers have a false sense of security that they will never find themselves in the circumstance where they will need to come up with their deductible amounts. Probabilities show that most drivers will find themselves in that situation sometime in their life.

Make sure that you ask any questions that you have concerning deductibles before you purchase your auto insurance policy. It is definitely worth your time since deductible levels have such an impact on the premium you will pay.

Do not be tempted to go with the first insurance provider that you contact. There is a high amount of competition in the insurance market today so shopping around and receiving quotes from a number of providers is important in finding the cheapest price.

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