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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kentucky Auto Insurance Options

By Steve Turner

State law requires all drivers to have Kentucky Auto Insurance coverage. There are a number of different types of coverage and you might decide that you want to have more coverage than the minimal amounts required by law.

Most but not all states require drivers to have liability insurance coverage. This type of coverage will pay for damages caused by your vehicle and your responsibility.

To protect yourself and your passengers in the event of an accident you use bodily injury coverage. This is sometimes called PIP or personal injury protection.

Just because law mandates that all drivers have insurance coverage doesn't mean that all follow the law. If you have uninsured motorists coverage on your auto policy you will have coverage for your medical expenses if you are in an accident with an individual not properly insured.

To have protection in events such as fire and theft you need to add comprehensive coverage to your policy. If you are financing your vehicle currently you will have to have this type of coverage.

If your car is financed you will also need to have collision coverage. This is part of what is generally called full coverage auto insurance.

There is also the option to add coverage for rental car expenses, mechanical breakdowns, and other opportunities. The best thing to do is talk with someone who knows all about the types of options available and can help you to make the best choice for you.

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