Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Be Careful with your Car Insurance Quotes

By Ryan Parker

Below we are going to provide some useful tips that you can use to get a car insurance quote that is more affordable to ease your through these terrible recessionary times.

The very first tip which is of course the most important is one that we would give to someone looking for any type of insurance. This tip is particularly important now in this unstable financial world we live in today. Consumers must be ready to shop around. The price variations between one company to the next could be as much as 50%. The variation are even greater now that business is hard to come-by and insurers are working ever so hard to get customers.

The problem is that most customers mistakenly think that having the cheapest car insurance quote is the best. There simply are more factors to consider before making that judgment. It is vital that customers know that with a reduction in price there normally is a reduction in coverage too. You have to consider the range of the coverage, the amount insured and even the reputation of the insurance company before signing up.

It is also extremely important to know exactly what you are getting from your car insurance quotes. It is quite common for many different insurers to have similar sounding products with words such as comprehensive or first party which isnt really a definition for anything. What is important is to know the exact coverage of each product down to the detail. It is only when you know exactly what you car insurance actually insures that you are able to compare the true value of the policies from the different insurers.

If you want to lower your yearly insurance premiums then a smart way will be to increase the excess. This means that you will need to pay a little bit more if you should ever need to call on your insurance at a later date. The increase in excess will allow the insurer to give you a discount anywhere from 5-20% off you premium. The only problem is that you must always have enough money tucked in your bank account to provide fro the excess should the need arise.

If you find that a one-time payment is a bit heavy for you then you can certainly ask your insurer for a staggered payment plan. This means that you can pay for your insurance premiums every month or every week depending on which option your insurer will allow. Most of the time staggering payment is slightly more expensive in the long run however can be great to help you budget properly especially in these hard economic times.

To ease your budgeting process, it also helps to stagger other yearly payables too. Anything that is payable yearly is normally quite heavy. You should never have anything that is big in the same month as that can cause a very big cash flow problem if you arent careful or have enough money in your bank account.

It also helps to be extremely picky with your insurance products. In order to derive the best value from your car insurance quote you must be very specific with what you want and dont want. Insurance companies will normally sell pre-packaged deals as most customers are happy to purchase these without thinking twice. You on the other hand can pick open the policy with a fine toothed comb and take out parts that you think are unnecessary and add coverage where you think you need it most.

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