Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lower Vehicle Insurance Rate -- Simple But Sure-Fire Recommendations

1. For no reason must you allow your auto insurance policy to lapse.. It will sentence you to high premiums for a long time. This happens to many folks while they are switching to another insurance carrier.

One way to ensure you do NOT make this costly mistake is to maintain your old policy until you've confirmed that the new one is fully operational. As simple as this may seem, a lot of individuals are bearing the pain of higher rates because of just a little negligence.

2. You'll attract less expensive rates if you elect to pay your premiums yearly and not monthly. True, paying monthly might be convenient but they are also costly.

Every check that is processed attracts a fee. While a yearly payment requires just one check and therefore a transaction every year, monthly payments attrract twelve. This means that transaction costs would be 12 times more for individuals who pay monthly.

that is just part of it: Insurers also incur higher admnistrative costs for your monthly premiums. For example, it costs insurance companies millions of dollars annually to mail payment notices..

These costs plus a profit margin for this this "value-added service" is factored into your rates making it more than a similar profile that pays annually every year.

3. Electronic Funds Transfer (abbreviated as EFT) is a smart way to lower your auto insurance premium. This authorizes your bank to credit your insurance provider with your premiums automatically until you advise otherwise. This saves the insurance company in many ways such as eliminating the cost of sending payment notices and the expense of processing checks. Your rate is therefore brought down to reflect the cheaper cost of providing insurance to you.

4. Visit at least five insurance quotes sites. Using not less than five quotes sites raise the chances that you would obtain better auto insurance quotes. This is because insurance companies not covered by one site would be covered by another.

And, you know that because the likelihood of getting lower auto insurance quotes is proportional the range of quotes you get, the more insurance companies you get quotes from, the better your chances will be.

Obtaining your auto insurance quotes online will help you save much more if you take out just 25 minutes to ask for quotes from a minimum of five insurance quotes sites.

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