Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Monday, October 19, 2009

7 Guaranteed Steps For Cheap Car Insurance

You don't need to do exceptional things in most cases in order to lower your rates. You may be embarrassed to find out that all that's keeping you from far lower rates are minor things you can easily deal with. Let's examine some of them here...

1. Don't make the mistake of parking your car in places where it won't be safe. .By safe I mean places where the risks of theft, vandalism or accidental damage are very low. I hope you also know that you'll pay less if you have a garage for your car.

And, lest I forget, if you drive out in the night do your best to have your car parked in a well-lit area. That will deter thieves. .And for no reason should you leave your car in the open street for a whole night.

Insurance Quote

2. Retired persons are offered a special discount by a good number of insurance companies. You'll most like NOT drive as frequently as you used to do if you are retired. This will definitely cut down anybody's mileage.

The fine points for each insurance provider may be different but this is surely a good way to reduce your vehicle insurance cost. You can learn more about the finer points from your agent. Even if you don't call it a retiree discount, telling them of a dramatic drop in mileage is important. You should get a a cheaper rate if the drop in mileage is significant.

3. Add-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towing service. By the way, your credit card might already offer this as a benefit so check.

Even if this is not the case with your credit card company, you'll still get better service and save more if you exclude towing from your policy and you a dedicated towing company instead.

4. It will cost you a lot more to insure a car if it has a poor safety rating. Safety features should be given more consideration when shopping for a new vehicle. They will qualify you for a Safe Car Discount. Examples of such safety features are air bags, automatic seatbelt, ABS brakes and daytime running lights. To get more information on these and how much you can save by fixing them, talk with your insurance agent.

Budget Car Insurance

5. Defensive driving or any other special driving program approved by your insurer will get you discounts. They enjoy a good discount because they've acquired skills that make them respond better to incidents on the road thus making them safer drivers. This means that high risk profiles like teen drivers will benefit a lot from this type of training. Considering how expensive car insurance for teens is, getting a considerable discount will amount to much saving in just a few short years. Therefore, do your best to get trained in defensive driving from a recognized center. Once you get certified demand your well-earned discount from your insurer or look for another insurer if they don't give you a decent discount.

6. Marriage is something that will do your auto insurance rates a world of good. This is true even though you can't just go off to marry just because of this. Insurers have statistical data that show that people are less reckless and much more careful on the road when they get married. Insurers will tell you that their records show that married people make fewer claims. Furthermore, when they do make those claims, they usually cost less on the average than those married by their unmarried counterparts.

7. Never leave your car unlocked and running while you dash in to get something. The only easier thing for a thief would be if you handed over your keys as a gift. Car thieves are known to go for easy targets. It certainly doesn't get easier for a thief than an unlocked car with a running engine.

Cheap Auto Insurance


Take out some time to visit at least 5 insurance quotes sites that offer quotes on auto insurance policies. Doing this will require around 25 minutes.

As you visit each site, ensure you give the same details. Doing otherwise will give you misleading quotes. When you've received your auto insurance quotes, compare them to see which serves your interest best both in price and value.

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