Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cheap Car Insurance Quote -- Steps For Huge Savings

Contrary to what you might be made to believe, it's a lot easy to get an affordable rate. You just need the right recommendations and the motivation to implement what you'll be taught to start enjoying a better rate. Let us get into the steps you need to enjoy more affordable rates...

1. Drive carefully if you're truly keen on getting cheaper car insurance rates. You'll be making a smart resolution to always avoid being behind the wheels once you take alcohol.

If you're convicted for driving under the influence (DUI) you've said good-bye to low rates for a very long time. While alcohol-related traffic offences have very immediate and serious repercussions, speeding tickets will also make you pay much more if they become frequent. You'll do yourself a world of good by obeying all traffic laws at all times.

Insurance Quotes

2. A multi-vehicle discount is a smart and easy way to enjoy more affordable rates. You are only advised to do otherwise if the total of your premiums with various insurance carriers is lower than what you'll get with a multi-vehicle discount if you buy from one insurance company. Doing some shopping and then comparing with what you'll save with a multi-vehicle discount is a good way to know for sure if this is in your best interest. But if you don't intend to shop around, you can be sure that you'll still save handsomely with a multi-vehicle discount.

3. A multi-policy discount is a good option to lower your overall insurance spend. This simply means you should endeavor to purchase your auto insurance policy from the same insurer that handles your home owners, medical or LTC insurance policies.

However, I must emphasize that you might NOT be saving as much as you could by changing to another insurer. Do some research with quotes sites and also have a chat with your agent. You'll be certain of the best option for you after you do this.

Auto Insurance Quotes

4. Policyholders who don't make claims for over three years usually enjoy a special discount for this. But take note that not all providers present this discount.

If your insurance carrier is one of those who don't offer this discount let them know without mincing words that you will move over to another insurer. As you well know, every insurance provider likes having people who remain claims free for these number of years and you shouldn't have any difficulty finding lower rates with many other insurers.

But more often than not the threat of leaving from you will be enough to make them shift grounds.

5. If you have collision and/or comprehensive for an old vehicle that isn't a classic, then you're paying a lot more than would do you any good. The rationale behind this is that insurance providers base the compensation they pay on what is known as the Kelly Blue Book value of your car when you file claims. So even if you have paid your premiums without default for several years but the Kelly Blue Book value shows your vehicle is worth nothing, you will get nothing from the insurer and they'll be fully on the good side of the law.

Therefore, stop wasting your money. If your car becomes old, discontinue collision and comprehensive coverage on it. You'll save much that way.

6. Selecting higher deductibles is a standard way to attract better rates. The recommended method is to opt for the highest deductible that you can afford with a measure of ease.

Just bear in mind that this is what you'll have to provide if you file a claim.

Auto Insurance Quotes

7. Take every opportunity to NOT drive your car as this will reduce your mileage and, by extension, your rate. This surely makes sense if you reside in a city where you can use modern mass transit networks.

Another great option for those who want to bring down their mileage is carpooling.

8. You will save a lot of money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. You'll realize savings if you visit only one of such sites. But, you will get better results by visiting at least five.

The plain logic in this is that you'll receive many more auto insurance quotes from many more insurers. This increases your chances of getting better offers.

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