Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cheap Automobile Insurance Rate -- Easy But Sure-Fire Ideas

1. Make sure your auto insurance policy is not allowed to lapse no matter what.. Folks who allow this to befall them pay higher rates for a long time. It's easy for this to happen to some individuals as they are changing to another insurer.

Don't cancel your old policy until the new one is fully operational and you'll avoid this costly mistake. As simple as this may seem, many people are bearing the weight of exorbitant rates because of just a little negligence.

Insurance Quotes

2. You'll attract cheaper rates if you opt to pay your premiums annually and not monthly. Yes, paying monthly might be stressless but they are also much more expensive.

Each check that is processed attracts a charge. While annual payment calls for just one check and therefore one transaction for a year, monthly payments attrract twelve. This implies that you'll pay transaction fees 12 times..

That's one side of it: Insurers also incur certain admnistrative costs for your monthly payments. For example, it costs insurers millions of dollars annually to mail payment notices..

These and more are then included in your rate thus making it more than if you paid every year.

3. Take it upon yourself to ask your agent about all the discounts possible with with your preferred insurer. Your agent may, by commission or omission not tell you about some discounts that are available to you. You will reduce the odds of this happening to you if you take the pains to ask your agent point blank to tell you about every discount that is possible. You might have a very pleasant surprise!

Auto Insurance Quote

4. Defensive driving helps so enrol in a center that does it. Apart from the fact that they will make you a better driver, they'll show your insurance carrier that you're taking active steps to make yourself a better risk.

5. A simple but rewarding way of bringing down your auto insurance rate is by authorizing an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This authorizes an insurance carrier to automatically withdraw your premiums from your account at specified intervals. This brings down administrative overheads like those incurred when mailing payment notices. This is why this results in more affordable rates.

Cheapest Car Insurance

6. While you do these other things to reduce your auto insurance costs, here's what to do to start enjoying lower rates now: Visit trusted insurance quotes sites and obtain quotes.

Visit at least five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. However, ensure you give your correct details as you complete the questionnaires on each site. The last step is to simply pick the insurance company that represents the best price/value from the quotes you receive.

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