Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cheapest Car Insurance Rate -- Steps For Massive Savings

Contrary to what you might have thought, it's a lot easy to get a cheaper rate. The two things that are holding you from enjoying a cheaper rate now are relevant information and a determination to use the tips you get -- Nothing more. Below is a list of things that will help you get to this goal...

1. Do your best to always drive carefully. You'll be making a good decision to stay away from the wheels once you take alcohol.

Driving while drunk, howbeit slightly will make you get very expensive rates if you're lucky or be compelled to stay without auto insurance if luck isn't on your side. And don't overlook those speeding tickets because they cost you a lot more than the fine you pay. They add up to raise your rate. You'll be helping yourself by obeying all traffic laws at all times.

Insurance Quotes

2. A multi-vehicle discount is a proven and easy way to enjoy cheaper rates. It makes sense to insure all your vehicles with the same insurer unless got a better rate for some of your cars with another insurer. You can find out which will serve you best by first doing a little research before making this decision. Insuring more than one car with the same insurer will always result in a decent discount.

3. You will as well get a considerable discount if you hold multiple policies with the same insurer. That's, for example, if you get an auto insurance policy from the very insurer which caters for your home owners' insurance.

However, I must stress that you may NOT save as much as you could by changing to another insurer. Do some research with quotes sites and then discuss with your agent. Once you do this, you won't be guessing as you make your choice since you're positive about which saves you more.

Cheap Auto Insurance

4. There's A type of discount known as "good driver discount." It is for people who haven't made claims for 3 years and above. But don't be taken aback if your agent says that your vehicle insurance carrier does not give this discount.

If your insurer is one of those who don't offer this discount tell them clearly that you'll move over to another insurer. In fact, you should leave them because you will definitely get a better offer with another company if you've kept a claims-free status for this long.

And, as a matter of fact, your insurance provider is likely to have a rethink if they see you are very serious about changing to another company.

5. People who due to their scope of understanding keep either collision or comprehensive coverage types or both for an old car that's NOT classified as a classic are painfully paying far more than should. Your vehicle's Kelly Blue Book value at the time of making claims (and not the value of the vehicle when you bought it) is what affects what you will get paid by your insurer. This means that without respect to the amount you spen on premiums and for how long you did, you will get NOT a dime if that book declares the vehicle is worth nothing when you make a claim.

Therefore, do the right thing and drop these types from your auto insurance policy for all old cars. Doing this will give you much savings and not put you at risk in any way.

6. Increase your deductible and you will enjoy better rates. The best approach is to go for the highest deductible that you can afford with a measure of ease.

Your insurance provide you to contribute this amount.

Auto Insurance Quotes

7. Seize every opportunity to avoid driving your vehicle since it will cut down your mileage and, by extension, your rate. This is relevant more to folks whose occupation and location make it easy for them to use modern mass transit systems.

You can equally cut down your mileage by joining a carpool.

8. You can get cheaper rates on auto insurance now by visiting at least five insurance quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to obtain quotes. (Some people fill in information that are not quite correct about themselves. That isn't smart as the quotes you'll get this way won't be of any use to you).

You'll simply select the best auto insurance quote for you from the list of quotes returned. That's all there is to it. However, you could easily save hundreds of dollars.

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