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Monday, October 5, 2009

Cheap Car Insurance -- How Age Group Affects It

There are age groups that are favorable in auto insurance. It also goes the other way round, some are not. Knowing the opinion of insurance company on your age group is so important that it can't be overemphasized. Remember also that it is very likely that you are missing out on savings that are provided for your age bracket. Just take note that there are ways you can make massive savings on your car insurance policy because of or despite your age group.

There are less risk age groups. So if falls into any of these, you are certainly favored. But if you are above 50, you belong to the very low risk group. This entitles you to some concessions. The only thing that can withdraw such concessions is if your driving history shows otherwise.

What can people do if they find themselves in a high risk age group? First, I will make a rather funny suggestion: Get married if you are old enough but still belong to a high risk age group. Your premium must be reduced if you do that.

Folks who are below twenty five years of age are regarded as the most reckless drivers. The lesser the age group the more the chances of recklessness in driving. This is because as people move away from teen years to adulthood, they learn lessons in life that generally make them more responsible. Furthermore, a teenage girl will naturally be less "adventurous" on the road than a teanage boy. This makes the guy under-twenty five a higher risk than the girls. This is the main factor that determine what you will spend on car insurance premium. However, marriage tends to lower, if not annul, reckless tendencies in young people.

Those who remains reckless after getting married is likely to remain reckless through out thier life time. Everyone becomes more considerate after marriage and more so when they have a child to care for. Your driving is an area that benefits greatly from the change because you will be forced to be more careful because of those dear to you. This is why you can get more affordable rates because you are married.

Like I said earlier, elders people who are far above twenty five are considered a less risk all things being equal. This means that being on your parents' auto insurance policy will reduce what you spend dramatically.

Some youths may not like this chioce because it implies they will not have the car registered in their name. Besides, any youth who wants to take this route must live with their parents. This makes it even less attractive. Independence demands a lot -- Responsibilities.

There are many factors that determines your auto insurance premiums. This article has concerned itself with the effect of age on your car insurance premium. However, you must note that its relevancy score won't be the same in every insurance company. On a larger scale, your profile will be interpreted differently by several insurance companies resulting in diverse quotes. The difference could be as much as $1000 or sometimes more. Because of this, anyone who has any plans of making a lot of savings has to get and compare as many quotes as make sense.

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