Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheapest Car Insurance -- Steps To Get It

Anybody who uses proven tips will easily attract cheaper rates without sacrificing adequate coverage Nevertheless, if you get the wrong advice, even though you may still make huge savings, you will do so by downgrading the level of coverage you'll enjoy. If you are interested in advice that you can use to save much and at the same time enjoy adequate coverage, read the following...

1. We all know that hardly any other age group pays as much for auto insurance as drivers who are less than 25. However, one thing you can do to enjoy cheaper rates if you fall into this age range is get good grades. They call it the good student discount.

You must maintain a grade point of not less than B to enjoy this good student discount. This will slash off up to 5 percent from your rate if you qualify. Reckless under-25 drivers are not likely to maintain excellent grades.

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2. Completing a drivers' refresher course can help people above fifty-five years bring down their rates. Because completing such could earn you a discount of up to 10%, it is certainly worth giving a try. You should get details about this from your insurance agent.

3. Are you a retired person? Then you can get a retiree discount with a good number of insurance carriers. The plain argument for this discount is that retirees usually drive less. Driving less will result in reduced mileage which certainly makes you a better risk.

The fine points for each insurer might differ but this is definitely a good way to cut down your automobile insurance rate. Get your insurer's stance on this from your insurance agent. Even if they don't refer to it as retiree discount, reporting a considerable cut in mileage is recommended. This should bring about better rates for you.

Budget Car Insurance

4. Mechanisms such as automatic gas cut-off, alarms and other theft-deterrent appliances are recommended. They normally make you eligible for an anti-theft discount for the obvious reason that they make it less probable that you vehicle will be stolen. Cars that don't have such mechanisms are easy targets for car thieves.

5. Belonging to an auto club could attract a discount with some insurance providers. Don't let the smallness of the discount this may offer deter you from going for it if such a club suits you.

6. You can attract discounts from several insurance companies if you're part of associations particularly the bigger ones. It makes sense for a car insurance company to give a group discount to a group that has a sizeable membership. So ask, one of those groups might have discounts that will help you save.

Cheap Auto Insurance

7. A number of insurance providers will hand you a discount if a child on your policy is away at school and does not use the vehicle at that period. If this applies to your child in college then don't forget to tell your agent about it. While you're encouraged to make an attempt, you must bear in mind that this isn't one of several standard discounts that all insurance carriers give.

8. Visit not less than five quotes sites. Using not less than five quotes sites increase the chances that you'd obtain better auto insurance quotes. This is because insurers not covered by one site will be represented by another.

And, you know that since your chances of getting lower auto insurance quotes has to do with the range of quotes you receive, the more companies you receive quotes from, the brighter your chances will be.

Getting your auto insurance quotes online will help you save much more if you sacrifice just 25 minutes to obtain quotes from a minimum of 5 insurance quotes sites.

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