Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Car Insurance Rates -- Advice For Big Savings

Contrary to what you might have thought, it's quite easy to get a cheaper rate. The only things that are holding you from enjoying a cheaper rate at the moment are relevant information and a resolve to make use of the information you get -- Nothing more. We'll now take a look at several sure-fire ways to get this done...

1. An excellent credit rating will show in your favour with respect to your auto insurance rate. A poor credit record will attract higher auto insurance rates. There are many reasons for this but this one ranks high among them: If you have a poor credit history then it could only mean you've missed payments somewhere. For most insurance carriers it shows a pattern they believe you might repeat with them in premium defaults. This assumption of high risk makes such persons pay higher rates in car insurance and other insurance policies.

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2. You'll also be eligible for a considerable discount if you have multiple policies with the same provider. That's, for example, if you purchase an auto policy from the same carrier which underwrites your home owners' insurance.

Nevertheless, care has to be taken because the fact that an insurance company offered you great rates for one policy doesn't guarantee they will for another policy. Shopping around for quotes and comparing them with savings you'd make are highly beneficial steps. You'll be sure of the better option for you after you do this.

3. You're definitely spending too much if you have collision and comprehensive coverage types for an old car that's not a classic. This is because you are compensated based on what is known as the Kelly Blue Book value of your vehicle as at when you file a claim. This means that without respect to the amount you've spen on premiums and the length of time you did, you will get NOT a dime if the book declares your vehicle is not worth anything when you make a claim.

Do the right thing and remove both of them from your vehicle insurance policy. You will save much that way.

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4. We all know that hardly any other age bracket pays as much for car insurance as drivers who are less than 25. However, one step you can take to enjoy lower rates if you belong to this age group is get good grades.

You have to maintain a grade point not lower than B to have a good student discount. For students who qualify, you can expect discounts of about 5%. This discount is given because insurers believe there is a correlation between good grades and a young person's behavior behind wheels. It's difficult to meet reckless under-25 drivers who keep getting wonderful grades.

5. .Do your best to fit anti-theft mechanisms in your car. They normally make you eligible for an anti-theft discount for the simple argument that they make it less likely that you car will be stolen. Thieves have a preference for unprotected cars.

6. There are vehicles that cost a lot more to insure. Therefore, as you check out the wonderful specs of the car you want to buy, take some time to ask if it costs too much to insure. A car of similar specification that has a bad crash rating and higher theft rate will be more expensive to insure.

In addition, it will also take much more to insure a car that costs a lot to repair or maintain. I don't know about you; but it is a smart thing to choose a comparable car that is more insurance-friendly.

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7. People who live in crowded cities are more likely to have one kind of car accident or another if compared to people who stay in rural areas. If you can reside in a sparsely populated area you'll get the better rates since the risk of vandalism, crash or theft is very low in such localities.

8. You will save much money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. You will realize savings if you go to only one of such sites. But keep this in mind, you will get better results by visiting at least five.

The simple reason for this is that you'll get a greater number of auto insurance quotes from many more insurers. This increases your chances of receiving better quotes.

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