Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Affordable Car Insurance Quotes -- 5 Serious Points

Do you want a cheaper car insurance rate for adequate coverage? Let's explore several proven steps to getting just that...

1. You might be missing some concessions you are eligible for with your present insurance provider simply because you are not aware of them. Since agents too are human they might not remember to tell you about some discounts you should take advantage of. You'll know simply by telling your agent that you want to be sure you have been informed about every discount possible for your profile. You might be in for a very pleasant surprise!

2. Defensive driving will help reduce your car insurance rates therefore complete a course on it. In addition to the fact that they will make you a better driver, they will show your insurance carrier that you're taking active steps to make yourself a better risk.

3. Using your parents' vehicle insurance policy is an alternative for you an under 25. If you are of driving age, then your parents certainly are far above 25 years which means they're lower risk drivers.

You have to bear in mind, though, that the vehicle must be registered in their name and you must be living with them if you want to use this option. If you do not like the idea of handing the car's ownership to them and other stuff that may come with it, then you will have to forego this option.

4. Do your best to enter the facts truthfully. Insurance fraud is an ill wind that blows no one any good.

Furthermore, an insurer has the right to cancel your policy if you give false details. I hope you know that this will invariably make you a higher risk and this means you'll pay more for your next policy. Your rates are raised by a big margin by your new insurer once your auto insurance policy lapses.

Reports have it that the average American family pays about $1,500 extra premium dollars because of insurance fraud. You can help reduce this to our collective advantage by being truthful when completing your application form and if you ever have to file a claim.

5. You could save some hundreds of dollars by just getting and evaluating quotes from not less than five quotes sites. And, it will take just a total of 25 minutes.

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