Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7 Proven Tips For Cheap Auto Insurance

You don't have to do exceptional things in most cases in order to reduce your rates. You may be shocked to find out that all that's keeping you from far lower rates are simple things you can easily take care of. Here are several things that will help you achieve that goal...

1. Don't make the mistake of parking your car in places where it won't be safe. This means that you have to do all within your power to NOT park your car in a red light district. Parking your car in a garage will help you reduce your rate over time.

Don't forget to always park your car in a well lit area when you're out. This is because thieves avoid well-lit areas but love operating in the dark. .And for no reason should you leave your car in the open street for a whole night.

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2. several companies offer a retiree discount. You'll definitely NOT drive as much as you used to do once you are retired. A driver's annual mileage is an important point that affects what they pay in premiums. Therefore, anything that reduces your annual mileage by a big margin must reduce your rate.

Note that you are eligible for this discount if you're retired. Get to know your insurance carrier's policy on this from your insurance agent. Even if you don't refer to it as retiree discount, telling them of a dramatic decrease in mileage is important. You deserve a reduction in rate if the change in mileage is considerable.

3. Add-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towing service. Do you know that your credit card company might have already given you towing as an extra benefit?

Even if yours does NOT add this kind of service, a dedicated towing service from a third party will serve you better and save you more than adding towing to your auto insurance policy.

4. You will get cheaper rates if your car is considered to have a higher safety rating. Go for cars that have features that increase safety. You'll be eligible for a Safe Car discount if your car has such mechanisms. For more details on this and how much you can save by having them, consult your agent.

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5. If you complete a defensive driving course, you'll qualify for a special kind of discount with most insurers. This makes sense because defensive drivers are statistically better risks to any insurer -- They have far fewer car crashes The effect of become a certified defensive driver would be most felt if you belong to a high risk profile like teen drivers. Being certified as a defensive driver will save a young driver thousands in premiums in a few years. So as much as possible, become a defensive driver especially if you under 25. And, don't forget to tell your agent once you complete the course.

6. Getting married will bring down your rate by a huge margin. It's commonsense that every person becomes more stable and less reckless once they get married. This stability affects such a person for good when he/she is behind wheels. They generally file fewer claims and when they do, they usually cost less.

7. If you must quickly get something inside, turn your car off, lock up and pocket your keys. Don't leave your car unlocked and running. This is an open invitation to any thief sniffing around. Car thieves are known to go for easy targets. And what could be easier than a car that's ready to be driven away -- It takes just seconds.

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Bonus tip...

You can get better rates on auto insurance now by visiting not less than five quotes sites. Each quotes site will require around 5 minutes or less to receive quotes. (Some folks give information that are not quite correct about themselves. That isn't smart as the quotes you'll get this way won't do you any good).

You'll simply choose lowest auto insurance quote for you from the list of quotes received. That's all there is to it. Nevertheless you could easily save hundreds of dollars.

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