Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Automobile Insurance -- Seven Steps For More Affordable Rates

Anybody who implements time-tested advice will easily get more affordable rates without sacrificing adequate coverage But also note that you could save if you use the wrong tips. The only thing is that you will be compromised in the quality of coverage you get. Here are some proven ways to pay far less without opting for inadequate coverage...

1. Policyholders who don't make claims for over three years usually get a discount for it. But bear in mind that not all providers give this discount.

If your agent tells you that they don't offer this discount make it clear that you'll go to another insurance carrier. Really, you should leave them because you'll almost always get a better offer somewhere else if you've maintained a clean slate for this length of time.

Most insurance providers will do everything within their powers to be certain they don't lose you and this will likely lead to a concession from them.

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2. Drive as little as possible as it will reduce your mileage and get you a low mileage discount. This certainly advisable if you live in an urban area where you can take advantage of standard mass transit networks.

Another recommended option for people who want to cut down their mileage is joining a car pool.

3. Many insurance carriers give a retiree discount. The plain logic for this discount is that retirees generally drive less. Driving less will result in reduced mileage which certainly makes you a better risk.

This discount is definitely not one any retiree should pass on. Do learn more about the finer points from your agent. Even if you don't call it a retiree discount, registering a remarkable reduction in mileage is advisable. Unless the reduction in your mileage isn't significant, you should look for another insurer if you don't get a discount.

Affordable Auto Insurance

4. There are many theft-deterrent devices such as alarm systems, automatic gas cut-off system and stuff like that. They usually make you eligible for an anti-theft discount for the simple fact that they make it less likely that you vehicle will be stolen. Car thieves will think twice before trying to steal a vehicle with theft-deterrent devices.

5. People who stay in crowded cities are more likely to experience one kind of car accident or another when compared to those who reside in sparsely populated areas. Rural areas get far better rates because they're less susceptible to risks of vandalism, theft, collision and such problems that are generally associated with highly populated areas.

6. Make sure your auto insurance policy is never allowed to lapse no matter what.. Folks who let that happen to them get more expensive rates for a long time. It's easy for this to happen to many folks while they are switching to another insurer.

Don't terminate your previous policy until the new one is fully operational and you'll not make this costly mistake. It appear to be simple but, believe it or not, a lot of individuals are paying a lot more simply because they overlooked this.

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7. Do you know that you might be losing money if you have a car that you've not used for months? Is one of your cars been covered in the garage for up to six months because it's broken? Have you removed it from your auto insurance policy?

Simple as this looks a lot of people end up paying thousands in unnecessary premiums because they don't remember to remove such cars from their policy. Don't make this mistake.

8. You can see savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. The best way is to visit at least five quotes sites and ensuring that you input the same (correct) details.

I recommend that you use at least five quotes sites as that will make it less likely that you'll miss out better quotes not given by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing better comparisons thus increasing your chances of realizing more savings.

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