Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Car Insurance -- Even If You Don't Have A Car?

A car insurance policy for non vehicle owners? What for? Sit tight because you are in for a big surprise! A car insurance policy is a smart though you may not have a car if you fall into any of the situations I will discuss shortly in this article.

You may not have a personal car for your daily routine since you live in a big city with a good mass transit system. You can visit a car rental service whenever you want to go for a picnic or vacation.

These rental companies sell insurance if you want to cover your rent period. This may not really amount to so much if you hire a vehicle once in a long while. The opposite is the case if you rent a car often making it more costly than buying a non-owner car insurance policy.

Another reason will become apparent if you need to borrow a vehicle. People will feel more comfortable lending you their vehicle if they know you are so thoughtful as to even get a car insurance policy. Doesn't the gesture of getting a non-owner auto insurance policy tell you such a person is very thoughtful? And, people are a lot more comfortable dealing with responsible people.

Now, you need to know something about a non-owner car insurance policy. If an accident occurs, your non-owner's policy cannot take precedence over the auto owner's policy. However, if the car owner's policy cannot cover the damage due to its liability limit, your non-owner policy will take care of the balance. As an example...

Assuming you borrowed a car and had an accident where you caused a damage of $27,000. If the car owner's liability limit is $30,000, your insurance won't be touched. If, on the other hand, there's a deficit where the auto owner's policy can't take care of such such damage, your non-owner's policy will take care of the balance.

It's good that you know that irrespective of the kind of policy you intend to get, you can get huge savings by capitalizing on the disparity in auto insurance rates. This 100% lawful way to get savings can save you many hundreds of dollars...

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