Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Car Insurance Rates -- To Save Much, Apply These

Everyone out there would be really happy to find a way of enjoying affordable rates provided such a way won't negatively affect the scope of coverage they get. Let's discuss several time-tested steps to getting just that...

1. Some vehicles cost much to insure. It will do you a world of good if you ask your agent before buying your next car. A car of similar specification that has a bad crash rating and higher theft rate will cost a lot more to insure.

Furthermore, cars that generally cost more to repair also cost more to insure. This is my personal opinion; but it does make sense to buy a comparable vehicle that is less expensive to insure.

Insurance Quotes

2. It will cost you a lot more to insure a car if it has a low safety rating. Go for vehicles that have mechanisms that improve safety. Such systems attract a reasonable discount. To get more information on these and how much savings you'll realize by having them, discuss with your insurance agent.

3. It's a known fact that young drivers attract high rates. More so, the younger an under-25 driver, the more they'd have to pay. That is why teenagers pay a lot more than 22-year olds.

So you'll do well to NOT place your teenage driver on your policy. You'll be made to pay very high rates if you do otherwise. Sign an exclusion form that will allow your teen driver have his or her own policy.

It's a fair price for them to pay to enjoy the adult privilege of driving. An addition argument in favor of this is that your teen will be more willing to take measures to reduce what he or she pays. This by extension means that such a teen driver will be more responsible behind wheels since they bear the full cost of their actions.

Auto Insurance Quote

4. The longer you stick with the same insurer the more you stand to gain for two reasons: The long term discount and accident forgiveness. Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.

Most insurers will also not raise the rates of a long standing policy holder if they make only just one claim. Insurers offer these as incentives to keep you with them since it serves them better too. The longer you stay, the more you'll save.

Just bear in mind that some people will be better off if they switched to another insurer notwithstanding the many discounts given to long term policy holders.

If your auto insurance rate is $2,500 and you get a five percent discount when you maintain a policy with them for up to 5 years you'll pay $2,500 - (5% of $2,500 or $125) = $2,375.

But we can almost say with some certainty that because of inflation your premium would most likely not remain the same. Within the course of these three years you would most likely get an insurance provider who'll give you a comparable auto insurance coverage or better for less than $2,000. Then it would be anything but wisdom to stay put because you want to qualify for a discount down the road knowing that the expected discount is less than savings you'll get immediately if you switch.

you will most likely get lower rates if you take the time to do extensive shopping because there are hundreds of auto insurance companies around. In order to know if you're not simply missing out a better deal, get and compare auto insurance quotes not less than five insurance quotes sites..

5. Defensive driving will help reduce your rates therefore get trained in it. Apart from the fact that they will reduce your rate, they will make you a better driver.

6. Before you get carried away with the few hundreds you will save on a house, check if it will not cost you much more in auto insurance. Also note that a neighbor not too far away might fall under a lower crime zone than you -- This affects rates.

So, as part of your home shopping activities, check how this neighborhood will affect your auto insurance rate. This doesn't come readily to mind when you're shopping for a new home. Does it?

But think about it: If your new zip code adds up to $300 to your annual auto insurance rate, how much would that amount to at the end of your 30-year mortgage?

Car Insurance For Woman

7. An option for you is to use your parents' auto insurance policy. The fact that you are of driving age means that your parents belong to a lower risk age bracket.

There are two things you must do to make this possible: The car must be registered in your parents' name and you must live with them. If you want to own your car, then be the big boy or girl and also own the costly premiums. Sorry, you can't have both with this option. However, you can still make a lot of savings by clicking the link at the end of this piece.

8. You can realize savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from quote sites. The best way is to visit not less than five sites and ensuring that you input the same (correct) details.

I recommend that you use not less than five quotes sites because it will make it less likely that you'll miss out better quotes not given by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing more thorough comparisons thus increasing your chances of better quotes.

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